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Taxing Metric Century Directions
The ride begins in Warwick County
Park located 4 miles west of Route 100 off Route 23.
MapQuest / GPS Navigation
382 County Park Road
Pottstown, PA 19465
PA Turnpike
Downingtown Exit
North on Route 100 to Route 23 West and travel 4 miles into Knauertown. Turn left onto County Park Road (before
the Village Market) and follow to park entrance on the left .
PA Turnpike
Morgantown Exit
Follow Route 10 South to Route 23 East and travel 10 miles into
Knauertown. Turn right onto County Park Road and follow to park entrance on left.
Pottstown Area
and North
Follow Route 100 South to Route 23 West and travel 4 miles into Knauertown. Turn left onto County Park Road and follow to park entrance on the left.
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